Located in Sandfields which is in Port Talbot, Hands on Training is a company that provides a lot of different health and safety courses for first aid training.
These are offered to people and companies that are located in the South West and South Wales, a few of the places are Neath, Port Talbot, Cardiff and Bristol.

All the finest and proper first aid skills will be taught to you by professionals, as all the trainers that teach their courses are state registered paramedics.

If you are unable to attend any of their courses in the day, then you can go on the weekend or in the night as they are adaptable with times of courses.

A first aid training course that will enable you to take action as a first aider work, is one of the courses that Hands on Training provides.

After completing this three day course, you will be able to give first aid at your workplace by utilizing all the correct skills that will be taught to you by the professionals.

Once you have successfully finished this course, you will get a certificate that will allow you to act as a first aider at work for three years.

Some of the methods that will be taught on this course for first aid training at work are managing incidents, heart attacks, fractures and unconsciousness.

All of the techniques, from the courses that Hands on Training can offer, may end up being vital as you will be able to react, and provide first aid if necessary, in an urgent situation.
View all the skills that you will be taught from this course for first aid training, here.

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